Dr. Lars Olov Bygren data, validated Epigenetic inheritance. Bygren studied 99 individuals in a small town called Overkalix in Sweden. In his practice he noticed that boys who enjoyed an excess amount of food produced sons and grandsons who lived shorter lives, dying an average of six years earlier than the grandsons of those who had endured a poor harvest. Results applied applied along the female line as well, meaning that the daughters and granddaughters of girls who had gone from normal to gluttonous diets also lived shorter lives. Essentially, the data suggested that a single winter of overeating as a adolescent could initiate a biological chain of events that would lead one's grandchildren to die decades earlier than their peers did.
Three generations: Dr. Lars Olov Bygren, with son Magnus and grandson Ludvig in Stockholm
For more information on Dr. Lars Olov Bygren and his discoveries please visit: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1951968,00.html#ixzz1AJNu0Xww
For more information on Dr. Lars Olov Bygren and his discoveries please visit: http://www.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1951968,00.html#ixzz1AJNu0Xww